My name is Harmony.

I’m a Love, Life & Intimacy Coach. I serve as a guide and companion on one of the most important adventures in your life. Here’s a video I made for you on how I can help you reclaim your fullness.



Through my own journey of healing, I’ve discovered that sexual energy is the creative Life Force.

harmony scott love sex relationships coach

If we can tap into this inner electricity and form a deep relationship with the sensations and wisdom in our body, we create a direct path to our highest potential, passion, and sensual vitality!

Intimate connection is a core part of being human… but for so many, our relationship to ourselves, our sexuality, and our partnerships brings pain, confusion, and suffering instead of satisfaction.

This can feel impossible to change. We may experience disconnection, rejection, dissatisfaction, betrayal, and worst of all…feeling like we are not worthy or capable of the love and belonging we desire. 

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. I know how hard this can be. This was my story too, and is the reason I am here, sharing this work. 


I started my healing adventure at the age 41, when I was trying to crawl out of the deepest hole of my life. Years of self-criticism, perfectionism, workaholism, and disconnection from my sexual core had taken its toll on all parts of my life.

It all began when I was raped as a small child. This event set me up for a lifetime of compensation for this traumatic wound. Even though I received therapy over the years, and kept trying to heal (and learned a lot in the process), nothing got to the core issue.

By the time I turned 40, I had a successful international career as an artist, a long-term relationship, two of my own brick-and-mortar jewelry stores selling my designs, and a glamorous lifestyle living between Aspen and Bali. To the outside world, I looked like I had it made. But inside, I felt damaged and lost.

I was sexually numb, I was burned out, depressed and near suicidal. I wondered if life was worth living. Seriously. I had to find a different way.

So I embarked on the deepest healing journey of my life. It is a pretty magical story, and if you are interested to know more, I have written all about it on my blog here.

Choosing this path changed me in profound ways. And I am here to tell you… It IS possible.

If I can do it, you can too.

In healing these core wounds, I have gained an incredible depth of wisdom and insight, tools and methods to reclaim myself from this abyss.

I also discovered my Purpose. I realize my mission is to share what I learned, and be of service to others who feel like I did. I am here to offer guidance, support, and the navigational tools to get you to where you want to BE, and to FEEL how you desire to feel.

Maybe your situation is different than mine… but most of us desire MORE of something in our love, sex and relationships. More connection, more authenticity, more freedom, more PLEASURE, or more joy! It IS possible.


What if you realized there is nothing wrong with you & nothing to fix?


That there is a Universe of possibility inside your body, right now - waiting to be discovered? 

How would it change your life to have skilled support and powerful tools to reach your dreams and desires? 

What would be possible if you had a safe space where the most intimate, tender, and fearful parts of you could be fully seen, welcomed and accepted in total safety? 

Are you ready meet yourself on a whole new level and unlock your inner gifts and sexual expression?

Are you longing to enjoy the loving, satisfying relationships that you desire?

Are you ready to go on the adventure inside of you?

I am here for you,

Harmony Scott

Are you ready to experience more pleasure, connection and joy in your intimate life?

harmony scott love sex relationship coach

You are in the right place!

I work with adults to transform their challenges in love, sex and relationship. I share a wide spectrum of tools and practices to restore wholeness and realize deep desires. I help my clients navigate from Surviving into Thriving!

My methodology is informed by neuroscience, Gestalt and integration therapy, trauma healing, breathwork, and cutting-edge research on sexuality, human relationships, attachment and bonding. I infuse my work with embodiment practices from 30 years of training in martial arts and dance, and the Eastern wisdom technologies of Tantra, Taoism and meditation.

These ancient and modern sciences are mutually supportive to offer healing and integration on all levels: instinctual, sexual, emotional, mental, and energetic.

When you work with me, we will create a new internal blueprint and use laser focused tools best suited to help you reach your goals. Together, we awaken your full being in a way that is pleasurable and profound. 


These foundational self-care practices can be used for the rest of your life to support your continual growth and evolution.

Through this powerful approach, my clients learn how to soothe the nervous system, re-wire neural pathways in the brain, shift ingrained habits in the body, and overcome the natural, deeply programmed resistance to change. They report feeling safer, grounded, centered and clear.

When we pro-actively build emotional resilience and work with fears and anxiety in this healthy way, everything changes for the better. The people who work with me discover self-compassion as a key part of healing sexual shut-down, pain, emotional numbness, and paralyzing insecurity. They explore how to build self-love and pleasure, and resource their body intelligence in order to realize their strongest desires. My clients have invigorated their creative inspiration, launched a dream project, and renewed their careers.

They have evolved the sexual connection with themselves and their partners, magnetized the relationship they have been longing for, and reignited their marriages.

All of this is possible!

Here are some of the results reported by my clients:


Self Empowerment

⟴ increased feelings of safety & resilience 

⟴ more self-love, self-care, & body compassion

⟴ more personal power & clarity of purpose

⟴ more creative, passionate, & engaged with life

⟴ more connected to the body and movement arts

⟴ release of anger, blame, jealousy & resentment

⟴ greater emotional freedom & pleasure

⟴ healing from childhood wounds & patterns

Relationships & Dating

⟴ healthier boundaries/limits with others

⟴ able to make consent sexy & exciting

⟴ increased personal magnetism & sexual attraction

⟴ brain chemistry hacking for more love, intimacy & bonding

⟴ better communication with colleagues, friends and partner

⟴ communicate needs in a way partners are able to provide

⟴ find clarity and wisdom on important relationship decisions

⟴ recovery and guidance for betrayal, separation, or death


Holistic Sexuality

⟴ discovering sensual “love language” & erotic blueprint 

⟴ more sexual pleasure & expanded orgasms

⟴ increased sexual sensitivity & pelvic floor strength

⟴ healing sexual shut-down, releasing vaginal pain

⟴ greater sexual health and vitality through menopause

⟴ healing of erectile dysfunction & premature ejaculation

Sacred Sexuality

⟴ integration of masculine and feminine energy

⟴ developing Sacred Sexuality techniques

⟴ clearing energetic ties

⟴ healing from past partners or toxic relationships 

⟴ learning Taoist & Tantric energy practices 

⟴ experiencing more mindfulness & inner peace

Are you feeling excited about this yet? 

Before we go further, I want to be clear with you. While I may 100% believe in this work, and LOVE what I do, I know this work is not for everyone. And I am not the ideal coach for everyone. And that is ok!

I am at the point in my life where I choose to focus my energy and passion working with people who are my ideal client. People who are brave, open-minded, wholehearted, and ready to do the work it will take to create the love, sex and relationships they desire.

How do you know if I am the coach for you? Here are four ways to get clarity BEFORE you book a Discovery Call with me.

I specifically work with clients who: 

1. Resonate with me and my approach

This enables us to create a strong foundation of trust, possibility and transformation in the coaching container. In coaching, like any great relationship, having chemistry and affinity is the key to being a powerful team together. If you already have a sense that you like what you are reading, you can take the next step with the Discovery Call. This allows us time to talk and connect more deeply one-on-one. You get a direct experience of me and how I work, and I get a feel for you and what your needs and desires may be. Together, we will figure out if we make an ideal match! 

2. are Able to invest in the process

This means that your basic physical and economic needs are covered, so you are not in survival mode. The less stress you are under with basic survival concerns, the more receptive you will become to change. Making a financial commitment to empower your healing helps your subconscious know that you are serious about this. You will not regret investing in your personal growth and happiness, but it really helps to have your basic needs covered first. 

3. Are willing to commit and DO the work.

This means actively engaging in the practices and home-play I offer and utilizing my support between sessions. If you are not doing the work, you will not get the results you desire. I can and do offer accountability, support, and creative ways to work with resistance (its normal and expected), but I can’t do the work for you.

4. Feel prepared for this type of work

If you feel emotionally grounded and stable in life, and are ready to dive in- that’s great! But it is very helpful if you have already engaged in some self-development work like therapy/counseling/meditation/yoga or similar disciplines and have built a foundation of self-awareness around your own patterns, gifts, and challenges. While I am a coach who uses therapeutic practices, I am not a therapist. I am trauma informed, but if you have serious trauma and have not received or currently receive therapy and support for the trauma, I believe it is in your best interest to do that first. **If you do have trauma and are receiving therapy, my coaching can be an incredibly empowering addition to your support network. We can discuss your particular situation/history together if you have any questions or concerns. 


The next step is up to you!

  • Bachelor of Arts in Chinese Language & East Asian Studies from University of Colorado, Boulder

  • 2nd Dan Black Belt in Soo Bahk Do - Traditional Korean Martial Art, 15 years training & teaching, 1996 National Champion Team

  • President of Harmony Scott Jewelry Design since 1996

  • 5Elements Somatic Dance Facilitator - 100 hour teaching certification with Malaika Darville, ecstatic dance, meditation, Shamanic 5Elements Breathwork

  • Mystical Dance® Facilitator - 200 hour teaching certification with Monika Nataraj ~ to offer space for sacred dance, shamanic ritual, Sacred Masculine/Feminine practices, Tantric theory, meditation, and transformation

  • VITA™ Sex, Love, and Relationship Coach - certification from The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality as one of the top 1% coaches in the Sex, Love and Relationship field, completing a jade egg certification and 600+ hours of study and 100+ hours of 1-on-1 coaching. This is a unique and embodied approach to personal transformation through neurobiology, holistic healing, and modern coaching, blended with the ancient and powerful teachings of Tantra, Taoism, and Sacred Sexuality.